This 15-hour Alternate Route approved course, taught by Dr. Amber Gray. This course provides a theoretical, neurophysiological, contemplative introduction to the use of dance movement therapy with survivors of trauma, and as a practice of self-compassion and self-respect for therapists.
The emphasis of this class is client-therapist co-regulation as both a self-care and a clinical skill, that supports dance therapy’s ability to help clients through their own restorative process. Drawing from an embodied, contemplative human rights framework (“Restorative Movement Psychotherapy”), empowerment and developing a reciprocal alliance are primary themes of this course. This equally experiential and theoretical class also provides participants with a practical and applicable introduction and overview to using dance therapy in work with survivors of trauma, as well as for therapists’ own resilience and well-being. The course teaches dance therapy practices to support safety and stability in the reciprocal therapeutic relationship. A contemporary phasic approach to working with complex trauma provides the foundation for course material.