The Ocean Within

Sunday 08 September 2024 – 11 am – 4pm in flow

The human body, like earth body, is 70-80% water. Water has the capacity to flow, solidify, mist, and constantly dance between freedom and form. Our birthright as embodied can be challenged by the busy-ness and pace of society, especially in contexts of uncertainty, fear, and trauma.

Continuum is a movement and life practice that invites deep embodied inquiry into our nature as flow: flow as all forms of water that feed our inherent capacity to state-shift so that our shape expresses who we are.

With ocean as metaphor, inspiration and teacher, this one-day Continuum class welcomes all bodies with a wide range from little to lots of movement experience. We will learn a little bit about Continuum’s her-story and thematic theories while we use sound, breath and simple, self-choreographed movement sequences to ignite our own expressive moving flow.

Register for this Program Here


Non-members :                  NZD 210.00
DTAA Members:                NZD 160.00
Part-Time Students:          NZD 160.00
Full-Time Student Rate:   NZD 85.00

What to bring: We will not break so nourish yourself beforehand and please bring snacks, nibbles and whatever keeps you hydrated. Please also bring your own yoga mat and blanket if possible.

Location Details: Kenneth Meyers Centre, 74 Shortland Street, Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010. NOTE: Go to the door on the left-hand side of the building (NOT the gallery at the front of the building) for the entrance and down the stairs to the studios.

About the Presenter: Amber Elizabeth Gray moves from a diverse landscape of experience. Yoga, sacred dance, dance/movement therapy, bodywork, and Continuum are all the body’s languages she listens to and creates from. She has worked with survivors of extreme interpersonal violence since 1999 and these are her teachers of movement as liberation. As an educator, clinician, mentor and changemaker, she incites resilient embodied revolution so that we can liberate ourselves from our own constraints.

About Continuum: Emilie Conrad, creator of Continuum Movement, teaches that all fluids are basically one element, resonating with all other fluids. They function as a kind of umbilical cord, supplying us with the pulsing undulations of life.