The Art of Spine Restoring our Core with Continuum

Soul Centre
18 Huia Rd – Auckland

Our Spine is a pathway that spans our ancestral and evolutionary origins to our future potential. As axis mundi, we connect heaven and earth in our bodies core; as poto mitan, we encounter our universal Center. Our spine is core support, fluid strength, and gravity dancer. Our spine is also the pathway of our inner knowing: It remembers how we are born to move. Continuum is a movement practice inspired by the fluid undulations of Haitian dance. It enables us to move beyond our ‘everyday body’ with its rigid and repetitive patterns of movement, and to open into our flowing, sensuous body. Through a rich variety of breath, sound and subtle movement explorations we will experience our capacity for free, flowing, non-constrained. Engaging in new ways with gravity, we promote adaptability and core strength. Continuum complements other movement practices and arts such as yoga, pilates, gyrotonics, and dance, and is a profound self care practice for anyone engaged in therapeutic and healing traditions.

Instructor: International presenter Amber Gray is a Continuum teacher, award winning dance movement therapist and a board licensed mental health professional. Her teaching often combines Continuum with dance movement therapy, somatic psychology, current trauma and neuropsychological research, movement therapy, life impressions bodywork, ritual, and creative arts.

Cost: $333 or $300 if paid in full by the 20th February

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