Restoring Core Rhythmicity // Sydney

Restoring Core Rhythmicity: A Trauma-informed Framework for Dancing, Moving and Breathing

A Workshop for dancers, dance therapists, dance artists, movement healers and all those wishing to trauma inform their classes.


Saturday 2 May 2020 – 10am to 5pm and
Sunday 3 May 2020 – 9am to 4:30pm



Newport Community Centre & Tennis Courts
11-13 The Boulevarde
Newport, NSW 2106


This event counts as 15 hours of category A CPD for PACFA’s membership renewal requirements.


Facebook Event


We are movement. In the words of somatic pioneer Emilie Conrad, “Movement is not something we do. It’s who we are.” The body, an ongoing sea-change of movement, speaks through breath, posture, muscle tone, movement patterns and moving narratives. Life experience shapes us; stress, fear and trauma can force shapes that are not our own.

This workshop is a thorough, embodied, diverse introduction to the effects of traumatic experiences on the human body and its primary language of movement.

A combination of basic theory, neuro-scientific evidence and rich, varied somatic, movement and dance-based experientials will support participants to integrate trauma-informed wisdom into their work.

Amber Gray is an award winning dance movement therapist and human rights psychotherapist who has worked clinically with survivors of organised violence, torture, war and combat related trauma, natural disaster, ritual abuse, domestic violence and community violence for over 22 years.

This workshop is open to anyone who wishes to integrate somatic, movement, mindfulness and creative arts based practices and therapies into their work.

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