Our Dancing Nature

To dance is human, and more than human. When we dance, we participate in wisdom that has permeated all life for eons. Bees, whales, trees, and clouds all dance. Rituals and Ceremonies that center dance exist in many places and are equally absent or hidden in places forever changed by colonization, oppression and climate crisis. Dance as ritual, dance as ceremony, dance as therapy, dance as engagement with life is a pathway to transformation, healing, and emergent consciousness through state-shifting.

This three day immersion equally affirms and weaves science and Spirit as influences and informants for human healing, change and emergence, especially for those affected by, or working with, trauma. Often treated as something we do, movement is really who we are. Movement and dance connect us to the world: Ancestors, our lineage, our inner nature and the natural world all around us.

A combination of active, contemplative, structured and free flow practices will provide us with opportunities to restore wholeness and connect to our inner wisdom. There will be ample time to rest, explore the beautiful surroundings, move, learn and share.


300 Euros (including accommodation and vegetarian meal)


Trimurti – Sacha Retreat Centre
Vojtěchov 11
Lísek, 593 01
GPS 49.5736478N, 16.1518119E

For more information or to register email:  moving.self.institut@gmail.com