Inner Sacrum: Exploring The Root of Freedom with Continuum

Level 3 Rialto South Tower
525 Collins St – Melbourne

A trembling in the bones may carry a more convincing testimony than the dry documented deductions of the brain – Llewellyn Powers

The sacrum, described in Hindu as the “Seat of the Soul”, is a keystone structure in our human bodies. From its anatomical function to its place as sacred triangular and heart shaped seat of creativity, divinity and intelligence, the sacrum is initiator and recipient of wave motion; root and support; tail, portal, inner sanctum, and a source of fluid movement and pleasure. This day long Continuum immersion combines breath, sound and movement to inspire moving through and from the sacrum as a continuum of core strength and serpentine flow.

COST: $225 early bird paid in full by 10/4; $ 250.00 after. $450.00 for both workshops.

Info & Registration: Contact Zac Jones: 0410660508,