Earth to Sky: The Body-Sea In Between

A Continuum Workshop with Amber Gray

As movers on an evolutionary pathway, our bodies harbor the potential for free, unconstrained, authentic movement. We have innate abilities to be fluid; to live beyond the constraints, densities and restrictions that can bind us in tension, pain, isolation or distress. This two day Continuum workshop weaves breath and sound together with movement sequences to restore our wholeness.

Continuum is a wonderful self care, movement and life practice for healers and therapists. A practice that involves simple sound streams, breathing patterns, and slow, organic movements. It restores fluidity to the body after injury and when life’s demands compromise us. Emilie Conrad, the originator of Continuum, teaches that “all fluids are basically one element, resonating with all other fluids”. Our bodies are living systems and, like the earth, we are 70% water. Our movement roots are an ancient connection to the sea. They function as a kind of umbilical cord supplying us with the pulsing undulations of life.

This workshop is open to movement artists and practitioners, performers, therapists, body workers and all those committed to a deep exploration of how life reveals itself in each and every breath.

WHEN: Saturday – Sunday, 2 & 3 March, 2019, 11am – 5pm
WHERE: Level 3 Rialto South Tower, 525 Collins St, Melbourne
COST: Early Bird – AUD 375 (before 31 January) Full – AUD 425 (after 31 January)

For more information and registration:
Zac Jones, 0410660508,
or Amber Gray,

Earth to Sky Flyer