Body as Voice Part III Evaluation

Please complete the evaluation for Body as Voice Part III. Submissions are anonymous unless you choose to include your email. Thank you!



As a result of this course, I am more confident of my ability to process trauma using DMT-based methods.(required)

As a result of this course, I can describe and utilize the Secondary Portals to Embodiment.(required)

I am confident of my ability to witness myself, and clients, in the context of working with trauma.(required)

I can describe the basic principles of polyvagal-informed DMT for trauma.(required)

I can describe and use reach and the developmental progression in individual and group work with survivors of trauma.(required)

I have ideas how to, or, am able to apply two of the 3 Secondary Portals to Embodiment (Space and Time) to clinical process work. (required)

I can apply the concept of core rhythmicity and rhythmicity in group work with survivors of trauma.(required)

I can foster, facilitate and promote reciprocal alliance in my work with survivors of trauma.(required)

I can describe how culture can be a resource, in treatment, for my trauma surviving clients.(required)

I would recommend this class to colleagues.(required)